Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New year's Resolutions - Really!

I want to work as "hard" as last year...
I was looking at last year's resolutions and can't believe how much time I spent last year writing about it.  I even called this time "a compulsion".  I think it is because I had just retired and felt that I had to make the best of each moment.  I still feel that way but am much more relaxed about it.  
What are your 2013 goals?

I do like that last year I wrote 2 different types of resolutions but I want to be more specific...

TO BE in 2012:  Working on these personal goals  
Healthy habits 
Sleep well
Awareness when eating
Increase in spirituality

Nourish and develop more loving relationships 
Consider options for my Swim business (swimbea.com)

Nancy from Blissed out Grandma wants more energy in the new year.  Me too!

In 2013 I want TO BE:
More healthy: swimming, and get rid of my hip pain
cooking different options, (without processed flours) 
Ignoring "bad" food when not at home
Sleeping without "drugs"
More God aware
More loving

Eat more lobsters!!
TO DO in 2012: 
Playing with the grandkids
Traveling / Visiting family and friends
Fishing / Beach bumming
Writing / Reading
Crafting/ sewing Pictures - using old ones and taking new ones
Making jewelry, beading
Organizing - have to do it...

TO DO in 2013, I want to continue with these same TO DO goals.  I didn't do jewelry making and not much organizing nor traveling, but plenty of playing, fishing and beach bumming, some crafting and sewing.  I wrote alot until October...
Now we have an ipad for pictures and a new camera that fits in my purse, I want to take lots more pictures
Learn about apps, "data plans", and getting an iphone 
Sell lots more Swim with Miss Bea dvd's
Learn to make an ebook about kids Swimming 
Get a ping pong table
And make more blogging friends!  
Organizing - have to do it... 

           I'll strive to live in the present moment 

even if sometimes it's just too hard!!

1 comment:

  1. When I was working it seemed that all my lists ended up being "to do" lists. After retirement I was much less interested in those, instead enjoying whatever life brought each day (which included daycare for two grandkids so I was plenty busy). Like you, I now have separate lists for "to be" and "to do" although I didn't have that terminology until just now when I read this post!


What do you think? Write me your comments, please and I will write you back!