Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Baby Girl Coming!

Expecting my fifth grandchild - a girl!  But then other nieces and friends are having girls too.  
Being retired, I love spending time with my grandchildren!  I help out as much as I can.  I got inspired and wrote a poem.  Everyone whose read it likes it.  What do you think?  
Should I take out the part on the poop and pee...
Savoring the moment with Isabella
New baby girl’s coming…
She’ll be here any day

We’re ready, we’re waiting

Can we be more prepared

What will she look like

How will she change us

Will I know how to treat her

Will I know how to feed her

What will I call her

How will I dress her

When will I see her first smile,

When will I hear her first word

Will I know that she likes me

When I clean her poop and pee

What will she do when I rock her

How will she feel when I hold her

Will she cry more than sleep

Will I know what she needs

Will she make me feel sad

May I never get mad

Will I know how to please her

Play with her, enjoy her

Will she fuss all the time

Oh, I know she’ll be mine!

What can I give her

All my life I will have her

I know I’ll never leave her

And, Oh how I’ll love her!!


  1. What a wonderful poem! Since this was written in January I assume you now have that fifth grandchild to hug! Enjoy!

    1. Bella is the 5th grandchild in the video Bella's fish, dead or Alive? She is a real character and so much fun now! Am expecting # 6 - a in 1 month.

  2. Congratulations on the new baby girl. No do not leave out the poop and pee after all it takes up about 3/4 of a baby's activities in a day. We are expecting our first and second great grandson's the early part of 2014. I am crocheting up a storm. So glad we know they are boys ahead of time.


What do you think? Write me your comments, please and I will write you back!