Sunday, May 25, 2014

Does your child love going underwater?

We are all getting ready for a fun Summer and swimming is a big part of it.

I made this video last year about my grandchildren as we swam underwater together. 

I was a swimming teacher for so long - I guess a swimming teacher is always a swimming teacher.  I am so passionate that when I am in any pool, I try to teach any child that is around me.  Some parents let me, some give me dirty looks.  My daughters always ask those parents to forgive me because I can't help myself!

This weekend, my (just) 4 year old granddaughter in the video who has been going to the pool with me all winter and did fine yesterday, swallowed some water at her other grandparent's pool.  My daughter called me in a panic because now she won't even go back in the water.   Well, I'm not there and they said that they tried all the games that we've done before.  I even talked with her on facetime and she sadly looked at me and said "I don't know" when I asked her why she didn't want to swim.  It's hard when they swallow water.  

I remember my dad throwing me in the pool when I was 4...

What do you think???

It's not easy to do it yourself because you think that you might hurt your child or if you do it wrong your child will never like the water - but it's worth the risk! YOU can benefit from the wonderful experiences in the water and you are teaching your child a life skill.

Here is a more recent video of my newest grandson, 5 month Parker, learning to enjoy underwater.


  1. I could never throw my daughter in the pool, because I wouldn't want to be thrown in myself. But I don't even know how to swim! Bizarre, huh? What a fun way to spend time with your grandchildren!

    1. I would never throw my kids in the pool either, that is why I made a DVD to teach babies how to swim! Check it out:

  2. My two year old is a little fish, but she doesn't know how to swim. I don't know how to teach her and hold her at the same time. She is NOT afraid of the water AT all. It rather scares me. She wants to learn to swim, you can see it in all of her actions. I just don't know how. I love your little video that you shared. Thanks for this tip.

  3. Crystal, I would love to teach your little one how to swim! She sounds like she is ready. Go to my youtube channel and see more of my videos and buy one from here! I will help you!


What do you think? Write me your comments, please and I will write you back!