Monday, September 24, 2018

"Jesus Loves me," Just me?

After singing "Jesus loves me" before bed with my 5 year old granddaughter, she says, just me?  I say,  what?  She says,  "just me?  Does Jesus love just me?"  I say, "you mean, does Jesus love only you?"  I look at her scrambling for how to respond in the moment, and say,  " Yes, Jesus loves especially you and God also loves especially me and mommy and daddy and even your unicorn right here!"  Then she giggles and suddenly turns goes to sleep.

Wow! That was so cute, and also such an important moment...  Did I miss an opportunity?  Should I have said something about Jesus loving her so much that he died for her?   No, how thrilling for her to accept Jesus' love for her, purely and unconditionally?

I'm going to believe that she did that, by the smile on her face and her acceptance of that simple fact, Jesus is real.  God loves her without question or analysis like her not much older cousin who is already coming up with questions like, I thought Jesus is God? How can He be the son of God?

But that is another story!

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