Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My Mami has Dementia

My Mami has Dementia 

My mami has dementia
she’ll never be the same again
she’s happy when she’s having fun
and always wins at games

She lives in/for the present moment 
and is not aware of time
obsesses on what she wants to do
and always wants her way

She makes up stories and believes them
will not admit she’s wrong
never wants to say, I’m sorry
throws a tantrum to express her way

Possessive, she won’t share her things
not trusting, she won’t accept the new
forgets when she hurts others feelings
believes herself and not what others say

She wants to keep her independence
and won’t admit her needs
not want to bathe or brush her teeth
will wear the same clothes every day

She hides her stuff and then denies it
fears people will take her things
she is afraid that we will leave her
that one day she will lose her way

No matter how my mami is  
she’s loved me all my years
I'll always do my best for her
like she always did for me 

50 years ago!

I wrote this while spending a week taking care of my mother.  She's had dementia for some years but still lives in her own house.

Read this other post I wrote about how we took away her car at 90 years old!! http://filledwithretirement.blogspot.com/2013/05/90-and-with-dementia-means-no-more_8.html

Sunday, February 1, 2015

2014 You won't believe what happened to me!

My year Reflection 2014

2014 has come and gone. 
It went so fast, and yet so slow
with three surgeries on my bones. 

The hip replacement was my choice because of all the pain
But both my wrists! I did not want, how silly that I fell. 

Some scary time recovery is, because there's no control.  
Tired, frustrated, and disabled, it's normalcy I miss. 

I read more books this year than ever, with so much time to spare.  
Some helped me grow in health and spirit 
and some were just to cheer me. 
Because I could not hold a book my audiobooks were many. 
 I'd fall asleep with earbuds on, the timer set for thirty. 

I tried to think no scary thoughts, I could not use my hands.  
And now I’m thankful and rejoice to brush my teeth, and use my pens.

The nurse and cook this year was Don, 
he missed his fishing with all the chores.  
Supporter and encourager, he helped me, loving me and more!

And now, I pray for health and fun, 
with blessings and graces as this year comes. 
No doctor’s visits please, for me or Don and all of mine. 

There's more to share and do and care, 
we thank you God for a year of prayer!