Tuesday, July 14, 2020

DO YOU WEAR A MASK? WHY? Here's another opinion, mine...

Why do you wear a mask?  How do you feel about it?  It seems like there are so many conflicting "facts."

I recommend completely reading this article: https://aapsonline.org/mask-facts/ It is very scientific with lots of facts. Yet, despite the “facts” that a mask may not "protect" me, I wear a mask when I go inside places, why? To remind me not to touch my face.  I don't worry about layers or filters, just in the comfort of the masks that I make. 

Also in the, "Final Thoughts" section it says things that are not often stressed:
“The wearer does not have glasses on and the eyes are a portal of entry…” So implies that wearing glasses or a face shield offers another layer of protection.


Also, “If you are walking alone, no mask – avoid folks – that is common sense..."This article also lists surfaces where the virus is present "in a hospital".   But does not say anything about getting it other ways like from shaking hands with an infected person (who could be asymptomatic) then touching your own mouth, nose or eyes.

Finally,  the article lists recommendations for preventing the spread of the "flu”: to "cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, and use tissues to contain respiratory secretions and, after use, to dispose of them in the nearest waste receptacle"  Doesn't it then make sense that wearing a mask - if you sneeze or cough in public (heaven forbid!) will help as much as using a tissue??? 

Your opinion?  I wish everyone would wear a mask in stores.  Just in case you sneeze or cough, that is.

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